Week 9 Writing Task: Myths

When I was in middle school I remember learning about greek and roman mythology. I remember learning about certain myths that involved gods, demigods, and supernatural humans. I specifically remember learning about the 12 greek gods and goddesses and how the met and lived on Mount Olympus. Hades preferred his home in the Underworld. Poseidon preferred his palace under the sea. I think it is important to learn about myths because it gives students the opportunity to learn about other cultures and compare it to theirs. It also teaches them about ancient history and its effect on the modern world today. Studying mythology gives students the chance to start thinking analytically about modern culture and analyzing the traces of ancient mythology has left behind. Mythology also allows students to find a new appreciation for literature. Students that struggle with modern writings may find mythology enjoyable because ancient myths incorporate a lot more action, adventure, and powerful supernatural characters. Students may find these stories and readings more enjoyable and be able to connect to them to more for this reason. Mythology can help student not only find commonalities with ancient times but find a new appreciation with literature.

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