Week 8 Writing Task: Fables

One fable that I throughly enjoyed as kid and that I can use in my own classroom is The Hare and the Tortoise – This is about a hare and a tortoise that race. The hare is so fast he gets smug and the slower tortoise wins. The moral is “Slow and steady wins the race.” This is a great fable that I would be able to use in my own classroom because it shows that just because you’re fastest at doing something doesn’t mean you’re the greatest. I think that this is something kids can really learn from because kids are always trying to be the fastest whether it’s in sports or their academics. In a kid’s mind sometimes finishing first means that you’re the best and that’s not true. Another great lesson that this fable has is that you should never make fun of others and that perseverance is the key to success. The moral that you should never make fun of others would coincide with learning about different cultures. For kids that don’t understand different cultures other than their own sometimes the first reaction is to make fun of it or think that it is silly. This is only because it is something that they’ve never been exposed to or have seen before. The hare and the tortoise relates to this because the hare made fun of the tortoise for being too slow and the tortoise ended up winning. I think kids could relate to this when learning about cultures because they should never judge a book by its cover or a person for that matter. This fable has so many morals that in a classroom setting the class can choose multiple ones to dive into and explore.

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