Week 1 Writing Task

Out of all the readings I found the article by Brigid Averson to be the most interesting because it shows how a different type of literature is being used in the classroom. Graphic novels are becoming more mainstream in classrooms and used for all grades. Graphic novels are also not only being used in English classes but also in Social Studies and Geography. To me this was super interesting because normally I don’t associate literature with other subjects besides English.

One interesting point that she brought up was how “For weak language learners and readers, graphic novels’ concise text paired with detailed images helps [them] decode and comprehend the text.” This stuck out to me the most because in classrooms today there is such a wide variety of different students who are all at different reading and language levels. Graphic novels make it easier for students who struggle with reading interested and engaged because it is decodable for them. It also benefits advanced readers because it gives them a new reading experience while modeling language.

This goes back to the idea that literature can be in the form of the picture. For students to be able to see both written text and a picture it helps give them a better understanding of what they are learning while keeping them engaged and interested in the material.

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